- The Nagaland University, Central Library, lumami, welcome the 1st Semester P.G. Programmes through its Library Orientation programs from the 28th August 2023 to 05th September 2023. The session was carried out (Door-to-door service). It was conducted by the Assistant Librarian to the Departments of Zoology, Botany, Physics, Chemistry, Geography, Maths, Sociology, Political Science, Economics, Mass Communication, Law, Forestry, E.V.S. & Anthropology.
- The Nagaland University, Central Library, lumami, conduct an orientation cum literacy programme for the newly admitted PhD scholars of the Lumami campus on 27th October, 2023.The Assistant Librarian carried out the session.
- Webinar conducted to create awareness about "Awareness on EPWR India Time Series Data –facilitating Socio-Economic Research"; e-resources on 16th November 2023. A total of 63 participants attended the session.
- Webinar conducted to create awareness about JCCC “A Literature” J-Gate@e-ShodhSindhu Consortia Database: Effective use of literature for quality publication on the 16 th November 2023. A total of 89 participants attended the session.
- A webinar on “Elevating the research productivity through Scopus.” Dr Nitin Ghoshal from
Elsevier Inc. covers areas such as Scopus Interface, Advanced search technique, Bibliometric Analysis, Research Planning and Collaboration on the 28th May of 2024. A total of 130 participants attended the session.
- Dr T Temjen, Deputy Librarian, attended a webinar on "Role of digital tools in enhancing the formative assessment process" organised by Turnitin in August 2023.
- Dr. T Temjen, Deputy Librarian, attended the Taylor & Francis Library Networking Event in Kolkata on September 2023.
- Dr. T Temjen, Deputy Librarian, attended the Five Days Workshop on Data Carpentry for Library Professionals (Online Mode) conducted by Charutar Vidya Mandal University, Gujarat, in October 2023.
- Deputy Librarian Dr T Temjen attended the International Symposium (Digital Libraries: Sustainable Development in Education -DLSDE) at IIT-Kharagpur in November 2023.
- Dr Chanlang Ki Bareh attended the five days virtual workshop on “Data Carpentry for Library Professionals: Practical Skills for the Digital Age” during the 12 th to 17 th October 2023, organized by the CVM University, Vallabh Vidyanagar, Gujarat.
- Dr Chanlang Ki Bareh acted as a resource person on the 03/11/2023 on the topic, “Library, e-Library, Open Access Resources and Open Licensing” as part of the ICSSR, New Delhi, 12 Days Capacity Building Programme on Curriculum Development for Higher Education Teachers (26th Oct – 06th Nov 2023) organized by the Dept. of Teacher Education, Nagaland University.
- Dr Chanlang Ki Bareh acted as a resource person on the 10/12/2023 on the topic, “Role of Library, e-Library and Literature Searches in Research” as part of the 10 Days Online Research Methodology Workshop for College University and University Teachers (04th Dec – 13th Nov 2023) organized by the Dept. of Teacher Education, Nagaland University.
- Dr Chanlang Ki Bareh act as a resource person on the 14th May 2024 on the topic, “Library Resources and E-Library” in a 10 Days Research Methodology Course in Social Sciences, sponsored by the Indian Council for Social Science Research (ICSSR), New Delhi, organized by the Dept. of Sociology, Nagaland University, Lumami from the 21st – 31st May 2024.